For most people (and most of our clients), building a custom dream home is the largest single investment they will make in their lives. Even if it’s not the largest, it’s still a big investment, and one that is usually the culmination of a long time of working and dreaming. At Dotty Brothers Construction, we […]
Is there a right or wrong approach to styling your custom home?
By Dotty Brothers
June 15, 2021
One thing people struggle with when working on the interior design of their custom dream homes is figuring out their own style. Traditional? Modern? Rustic? Modern Farmhouse? Boho? Minimalist? Contemporary? Industrial? Coastal? Scandinavian? Honestly, the list of design styles is almost as long as a list of people who are interested in them, or scared […]
We love talking to clients about their dream homes. We get to hear about their hopes and dreams for their home, of course, but also for themselves, their families, often extending for generations. That’s the kind of home we design and build, and whether it remains a family landmark for generations or not, it’s built […]